Oct 7, 2010


Something to break the IBL stuff around here. I can't be stuck on just one thing so this scene breaks the monotony of irradiance particle and image-based lighting. Here I used the good old (but very useful) mental ray sun and sky.

Raw render.
Click for higher resolution.

Oct 3, 2010

Smart IBL and Irradiance Particle

My irradiance particle "study-mode" is back in action! 

I have encountered a very cool site that provides high resolution hdr stuff long before I have gotten myself hooked on this Irradiance Particle thing and the whole image-based lighting gig. It's www.hdrlabs.com. It's where I get my hdri's but I never bothered with the Smart IBL GUI. 

To make the long story short, I got bumped in the head and  this idea of using Smart IBL's user interface to setup my scene just came to me. I import only the background and reflection because I want to control the lighting using irradiance particle as my lighting solution. It's fast and easy scene set up. Plus your hdri's get sorted. More info can be seen at their site. Great free stuff. I totally recommend it.
Click to enlarge